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internet wiring/wifi control system

Wired Access Point Installation

If there is a part of your house or outside area where your internet connection is weak or nonexistent, G&J can install a wired access point for maximum internet speed and reliability.

Luxul Wired Access Point

Hardwired Network Connection

G&J offers hardwiring network connection installations. This is perfect for customers who use technology and rely on strong network connections to work proficiently. Everyone has kids who play video games and constantly complain about their game glitching or lagging. G&J's expertise in hardwiring will fix this issue!

WiFi Control System

For larger spaces, WiFi control systems are a great solution to have a strong WiFi connection all through the house. G&J can set up these WiFi control systems by placing access points in various spots around the house so that your devices will automatically connect to the point that has the strongest connection. Customers will never have to experience lagging or slow network connection!

Luxul WiFi Control System
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